Augie Chang Photography: Sunday 4/6 Workshop - only 1 seat left!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sunday 4/6 Workshop - only 1 seat left!

I just released the date to my Sunday 4/6 workshop yesterday and we only have 1 seat left! Contact me now if you would like to take the last seat!

It is a very comprehensive workshop. We start the day by getting to know each other, and understand each other’s purpose for taking this workshop, then we get into the details and basics of photography (lighting, composition...etc.). Then we touch upon camera functions, what is what and how to use them. During the workshop, I share a lot of my tips and tricks that I’ve learned throughout my photography career. Those are most appreciated by my participants.

We do talk about the difference between RAW and jpg and what is good in each format. At this point, I only touch on actions (i.e., Kubota Actions, Totally Rad Action Pack). Remember, this is intro to digital photography, so most of the time is spent on shooting and the camera. I do talk a lot about lens.

The most valued part of this workshop is the afternoon on-location shoot, then critique. Students learn a ton from each other, esp during the on-location shoot. I am there with you along with my assistants to help you through the shoot. This way, you learn as you go.

Here is a very high level schedule of the day

  • Introduction (10am)
  • Presentation (10:30am-12:30pm)
  • Lunch (1pm)
  • On-location Photo Shoot (2pm-3pm)
  • Photo Critique (3:30pm)
  • Q&A (5pm)

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Augie- Please teach your students what "format" does to your memory card. I learned that one the hard way.