Augie Chang Photography: Recommendation: Books

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Recommendation: Books

This is how it usually go...

Someone: "hey, I really want to learn more about post processing, any class that I should take?"

Augie: "yes, there are many classes out there, but the best way to learn is to learn on your own."

Someone: "why is that?"

Augie: "when you learn on your own, things stick. Classes are great, but they are just an intro, after you leave your class, you most likely forget 70% of it"

Someone: "so what would you recommend me to do?"

Augie: "I would suggest you to buy a book and start reading through it. Learn the stuff you want to learn and skip the areas that you are not interested..."

So here it is, a book that helped me greatly. This is only a start, but it really helps you get started in the world of post processing in Photoshop. For those of you that are on Lightroom, here is a similar book. I am a Photoshop guy, so this book REALLY REALLY helped me.

Click here to purchase the Photoshop book from Amazon

Click here to purchase the Lightroom book from Amazon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lightroom is awesome. i'm not a heavy user, but i use it to enhance the crappy photos i take. ahhaha love it!