Who is this for?
For beginners who are interested in taking better everyday pictures. From children to birthday parties, to traveling. We cover most of the everyday situations.
What is Part 1 and Part 2 of this series?
This is Part 1 of the Intro to Digital Photography series. Part 1 focuses mainly on the foundation of photography (i.e., aperture, shutter speed, ISO) and the mechanics of your new camera. We will still have an on-location shoot, but the focus is around the presentation. Part 2 of the workshop is a hands-on workshop includes an intense on-location shoot and photo post processing.
How do I sign up?
Sign up now by emailing me at augie@augiechang.com
Where does the workshop take place?
San Ramon CA
I want to sign up, how do I secure a seat for the workshop?
I accept online credit card payments via Pictage
Hmm...I might have to sign up to learn how to take pictures of my work. (:
Hey, can you come to florida???
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