Augie Chang Photography: December 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

40 hr work week + commute + kids + part time photography

"Augie, how did you do it with a full time corporate job, a 2 hr per day commute, a new child, and a part-time professional photography business?"

That is a question I get asked frequently, so I've decided to share my thoughts here on my blog on how I juggled all of this. Many of you know that I used to do photography part time and luckily now, it's my full time career. So how did I manage my part time photography business with a 40 hr a week corporate job, a 2 hour commute, and a young child?

First and foremost, if you are married or have a significant other, you definitely need to have someone like my wife who is understanding and supportive. Without the support of those close to you, it is very difficult to succeed. Thank you babe!

In my opinion, to run a photography business, there are 5 major components that you need to focus on:
  1. Respond to your clients
  2. Meeting potential clients/active selling
  3. Shooting the session/wedding
  4. Editing photos/albums
  5. Competitive analysis/education
I will discuss each area in detail.

Respond to your clients
This is extremely important. Clients write or call you because they are interested in your services, so getting back to them is my number one priority. Whether it is a "hey, I got your email and will respond later" or a detailed email regarding my pricing and availability, I always get back to my clients within 48 hours. I was lucky to have a desk job that I do email most of the day. I schedule 2 check-ins per day to check my photography emails. This is usually during lunch hour or sometime in the afternoon around 3pm (this is when my energy level is low, and a coffee break is required). After I get home, have dinner with my family, relax a bit, I then check my photography email one more time before I go to bed.

Meeting potential clients for jobs
We all have 24 hrs in a day, and I am no exception. It is a matter of making the time and making your sacrifices. If you want something bad enough, you WILL make the time for it. If you don't, then maybe it is not something you really want nor is it something that is important enough for you to sacrifice your other commitments for. Meeting clients is the only way for you to actually get a job signed. Especially as a wedding photographer, 95% of the potential clients want to meet you before they commit. You would, too, if you were spending thousands of dollars and it was one of the most important days of your life! So how do I do it? I usually schedule client meetings first thing Sunday morning at my home studio. I make 8am or 9am appts so I have the rest of the day for my family. Sometimes, I meet my clients after work, i.e. 6pm at a hotel lobby before I commute home. At times, I meet my clients during lunch hour, have lunch with them and go over things. I do all of this during my personal time. It is a sacrifice because I could have used the lunch hour or after work hours to relax, but I didn't. Instead, I used the hours to work on my photography business. I knew what I wanted, which was to go full time, so I sacrificed my hours for it. I didn't want to sacrifice my family time, so I tried my best to only sacrifice my personal time. Sometimes it is difficult to coordinate my schedule between my clients and my personal time, so there are occasions that I have to meet my clients Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons. I usually schedule my meetings during my kids' nap time so the house is quiet and I am not taking any family time away from them, which is important to me.

Shooting the session/wedding
As a part time photographer, I can only take on so many jobs. I maxed out at 15 weddings per year and about 10 portrait sessions. That is still a lot since my only available time is the weekends. If I take on a wedding one Saturday, my Sunday is completely blocked for family. If I don't have a wedding that weekend, I use the Saturday for shoots, sometimes Sunday. So whatever I do, I save one day as a family day. Again, this is a sacrifice I had to make. Something has got to give, and in this case, my family time gave. There's no perfect situation, you just have to make it work if you want it bad enough. During the summer, when day light is long, I sometimes shoot after work. Meeting clients at 6:30pm or 7pm to start the shoot and end the shoot at around 8pm at the latest. At that time, commuting home is easy, 35 mins max. I get home by 8:30pm and have dinner with my family. I don't usually do this, but if sessions pile up, that is what I did.

Editing photos/albums
This is all night time work. I am a night owl. I usually start photo work right after I put my kids to bed. I usually spend 2-3 hrs on my computer either working on an album or editing photos that I did the weekend before. I don't get to watch much TV nor work out, to be honest with you. I figured, TV or photography, I chose photography. I put on music, then went at it with Photoshop. That was my relaxation :) Sometimes, when work backs up, I spend more night hours during the weekend (11pm to 3am) to finish up.

Competitive analysis/education
This is also night time work. To be honest with you, this is one area that I lack the most because the other 4 were more important to me. I surf and I get an idea of what is out there, but I wanted to spend more time researching and find out how I can be a better photographer. I do it some time, but I just don't have enough time in the day to handle this. I intentionally allocate 4 hrs per month to do this. I surf other photographer's blog and web site to see what others are doing. Review my own pricing and my offerings twice a year to make sure I stay competitive. In my opinion, this is important, but the other 4 areas are more important if you try to keep your head above water per se.

All and all, we all have the same number of hrs per day. Like my previous manager (and a close friend), Randhir, has always said to me. Life is about choices and sacrifices. You choose what you want/have to do and sacrifice things to get what you want. I truly believed in this. No one is going to hand you a golden key or a silver bullet. You need to work hard, figure it out to get there. If this is not the time for you to make sacrifices, then maybe this is not the time for you to take on this huge commitment. You need to make a commitment and run with it. It also helps if you have good time management skill, too!

I hope this had shed some light to many of you that are planning to get into photography part time. It is do-able. If I can do it, you all can! Good Luck!

Caitlin & Brady

First time I met Caitlin and Brady at their home in the East Bay. It was sooo cold (California standard that is) out there that we can only shoot in the backyard. The park was literally only 2 blocks away, but it was still too cold to walk over there. Their backyard was charming, so I was able to find a few unique spots for photo. Been a while since I shot for a family, so I had fun hanging out with these guys today.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Over the Christmas weekend, our wonderful nanny Jun Yee (JY) came by our house to pay a visit. She brought her daughter and cutie grand-daugther Emma with her. Not in a million years that I will miss a chance to photograph her little "china doll". Her cheeks are bright red ALL DA time. How cute! We are so lucky to have JY with us for over 3 years now. She's like a part of our family. I am so thankful to have her with us, she loves the kids very much.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas - Sharing My Favorite Song

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Woke up very early as usual since the kids woke me up to open presents :) We went to church as usual (every year on Xmas day) we were coming home in the car, I was tuned to KOIT 96.5. This time of year, KOIT 96.5 is pretty much playing Xmas music all day long. To get into the Xmas spirit, I decided to leave the radio station on all day. I heard one of my favorite songs in a very Christmas-y fashion. As a wedding photographer, one of the songs that I hear a lot is Canon by Pachelbel. At the same time, Canon is one of my favorite songs...EVER. I get all tingly every time I hear it when a bride walks down the aisle. I am very particular when it comes to this song. It has to be in a certain tempo and if it is played via a church organ or by a trio/quartet (preferred). I still remember the best version that I've heard was during Vicky and Michael's wedding this year. Vicky's friends from Julliard school of music had the BEST interpretation. I can still "hear" the music when I close my eyes.

Anyhow, I want to share this new version that I heard from the radio today (click below to goto iTunes):

Christmas Canon - by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lights, Camera, "Action"

Post processing is one of the most important parts of digital photography. I have always developed my own macros (aka Photoshop Actions) until I was introduced to many popular action packs out there in the photography industry. I am TOTALLY blown away after playing around with these actions packs. These actions packs can get costly very quickly so be careful what you buy!

I am a true believer now! This is going to completely change my workflow after a long day of shooting a wedding. I have yet to figure out if this is going to help me or hinder me because now I would want to apply these actions to ALL of my images :)

Here is a picture of Nate taken today in front of my front door step. Look at the difference! The left hand shot is straight from the camera and the right hand shot is touched up by actions.

Believe it now?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holiday Cards - where are you my friend?

This is the time when we receive a lot of cards from our friends and family. I look forward to this time of the year when all of my friends send out their cards (well, picture cards) to me. In today's world, receiving an actual card feels a bit "funny". I learned to "expect" some kind of picture cards from Shutterfly or Snapfish or whatever equivalent to that. It is always fun to see what my friends or their kids look like, especially since we don't have time to get together as much as I would like. One thing that I always question is why do most parents send out cards with only their children? Yes, children are a huge part of their lives, but I also would love to see what my friends look like too! Is it because once we become parents, our lives are dedicated to our kids only? Is it because we don't like to be in pictures anymore?

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining about receiving kids-only cards, just that I would be even happier if I receive a card from my friends that have THEM on it too!

Every year, we also send out picture cards to our friends and family. I usually like to do them myself in Photoshop so they are a bit more unique. What I make sure is that we have a picture of us in it so our friends and family can see how much older we are :)

Here is our holiday card for 2007:

Monday, December 17, 2007

Michelle & Bryan - City Hall SF

Michelle and Bryan won the "largest guest list" award of the year. They had close to 400 people at their reception. Because the size of the wedding, I had to bring a team of 3 to this event. Tammy, Alice and I had to tag team in order to capture all of the important moments. I still find myself running all over the city hall :) Michelle and Bryan allocated plenty of time for their portrait session near the Embarcadero. What a treat for me! I was able to be creative, took my time, worked the camera like nobodsy's business. Results turned out amazing!

Floral: Poppy's Petalworks
Coordinator: A Ring for a Kiss

Tammy and Alice were able to snap a few shots of me working hard...

and here is the result:

On the ground shooting...

and here is the result:

When the guys are asked to do push-ups before meeting the bride in her hotel room, I was on the ground again shooting...

and the result is an action shot:

After the ceremony, I took advantage of the beautiful venue. I climbed up the staircase and shot from the 2nd level while the couple was still downstairs.

Here is the shot that I got from above: