Augie Chang Photography: Deep thoughts...

Monday, December 03, 2007

Deep thoughts...

Not often do I discuss serious stuff on this blog, but today, I wanted to share something with you that have been on my mind. I read a lot, a lot about "how to do this better" and "how to live your life better" books, but lately, I've been reading a lot of books on my business. I am that kinda person. Some people call these "self help" books. Don't ask me why, but I do like to read them. I am reading this new book call "Soft Sell" by Tim Connor.

When I first picked up this book, I thought it was a book that "teaches" me how to sell better or become a better communicator to my clients...well, I am only 1/2 way through, so it may still do that, but one section of the book that really brought attention to me is something that I personally have been struggling is the definition of success.

Growing up, the word "success" has been defined for me by my parents and people who surrounded me. The word "success" for some reason has a deep relation to money. That was how I grew up and that was how the society "trained" me. I know a lot of people in this world still equates wealth to success. Yes, it has something to do with that, but I do not believe wealth is the only definition to what "success" is.

As I mature, knowing more about this world, the word "success" has many different meanings. The author of this book gave a really good definition of success:

"It is the progressive realization of a worthwhile, predetermined, personal goal. You are not successful the day you achieve your goal, but rather on the day you set the direction and keep moving." - Tim Connors, CSP

I truly believe this. It is the "progressive realization of a worthwhile or personal goal" that makes you feel successful. I know I know, it is cliche to say, we are all successful in some ways or another, but it is the truth.

Why am I getting so deep today? Maybe it is the season to reflect? Maybe it is the end of the year so I tend to look back on what I did? ...because I want all of you to think about this. For those of you who feel like you are "stuck" at your job (that you don't like), you are not. You don't have to be the VP of a company to feel/be successful. You are already successful in some way in your life. May that be your kids or may that be your passion in golf. We all have a level of success. Please try to break yourself away from thinking the only way to be successful is to make a lot of money.

I was that person. I was that person who struggled to understand the word "success". I thought I need to become a VP/Director of a company in order to feel successful. How wrong I was!

Many of you wrote me to tell me how lucky I am to do what I do. Yes, I must say, I am truly blessed and I don't take this for granted...not one bit. It took me years to convince myself that working at a desk job is not the only way to become successful. Well, I thought it was. It took me 10 years to figure this out.

Like the author said, I already feel successful because I followed my goal and continued striving towards my goal of being one of the top wedding/portrait photographers in the Bay Area. Remember, it is not achieving the goal that makes you successful, it is the path of following your goal and getting there that makes you successful.

Deep huh.... think about it!


Alice Trieu said...

Nice blog for a Monday. Many people guage how sucessful you are based on how much you have for "show", and that often equates to money and materials. At the end of the day, we all have to learn to reach our own inner peace and be happy with all the wonderful things that are going for us!

Karl Ko said...

Been RSS'ing your posts for over a year now. Admire your work!

This topic resonates with me! I think another aspect of success is fulfillment. Many of us have given up well-compensated positions in tech to start a new career. You're right, it can't be all about the money and titles. A large part is derived from setting goals and the fulfillment we get from attempting to achieve them.

BTW, If you are going to WPPI this year I'd love to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Augie my friend, you seem to have known what I'd need to hear at 1:30 in the morning. Thank you. I think I can go to sleep now.

jennifer said...

that's an awesome post... very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Nice post Augie. I am so glad for you that you are living the dream and following the saying: "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."