Augie Chang Photography: New Workshop Dates for PART 1 and 2

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Workshop Dates for PART 1 and 2

This is the Intro to Digital Photography series (PART 1 and PART 2)

If you are interested in one or both, just fill out this form to secure your seat.

********** PART 1 DETAILS **********

For beginners who are interested in taking better everyday pictures. From children to birthday parties, to traveling. We cover most of the everyday situations. This PART 1 workshop focuses on the fundamentals of photography (lighting, aperture, shutter speed...etc.). You don't need to have any prior knowledge of photography to sign up for this workshop, but having a digital SLR is a must! Come meet other photography enthusiasts just like yourself!

********** PART 2 DETAILS **********

The goal of this Part 2 workshop is to apply everything that you've learned in Part 1 of my Intro class. This will be a HANDS-ON workshop. You will spend a few hours shooting along side with me and you will be partnered with fellow students to experiment new techniques. After the field shoot, we will come back to my home studio to go over high level post processing. Take a look at what we will cover in a very high level.

PREREQ: BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY EXPERIENCE (understand aperture, shutter speed, depth of field...etc.), AKA MY INTRO TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY PART 1 KNOWLEDGE

On-location Shoot
- How to creatively create an image

- What do I look for when I compose a picture?
- What goes through my head when I take a photo?
- Shooting in different modes (Av, Tv, M)
- Moving vs. Stationary subject
- Demonstration of depth of field
- Shooting in different situations
- Shooting with different lens
- How to use an external flash

Post Processing discussion (high level)
- RAW editing techniques
- Editing techniques
- How to process high and low res photos
- How to make your photos "pop" online
- Demonstrating batch techniques
- How to create your own Actions

********** GENERAL INFO **********

How do I sign up?
Sign up now by filling out this form

Where does the workshop take place?
San Francisco, CA

I want to sign up, how do I secure a seat(s) for the workshop(s)?
I accept online credit card payments via Pictage. Your seat is confirmed only upon payment is received.

I don't know much about photography, I am a true beginner, is that ok?
YES! The series is specifically designed for true beginners!

How many participants are in your workshops?
Usually from 8-10

If I want to see pictures of previous workshops, where do I go?
It's all right here

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