During my trip to the east coast, I discovered a drink that is both tasty and energizing --> Enviga. It does not taste like any of the energy drinks out there, but it *should* increase energy level, however, it takes a little more time to get you there compared to Red Bull. This is actually a green tea + carbonated water drink. I love it. I am officially hooked. It is not very popular yet so it is difficult to find, but you can get them in some Targets and Safeways. I bought myself a few boxes last night ... woo hoo ... ok, I better stop drinking them, they are making me all wired now.
Oh! and this drink is *supposed* to burn calories and help you lose weight. OK, that is what I don't need :)

So Mike's addiction to Enviga (or as May calls it - "EnvigNa") has sucked you in too! We just bought out Target supplies today!
I wanna try one of those. Green Tea sounds tempting but it makes you lose weight???? Can it just make u lose belly fat instead???
Super Hot, Augie. I want to quit my job and do this full-time.
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